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Remote Working e Crisi: workshop in classe e interattivo creato sulle esigenze dei manager

Un evento ibrido: workshop in classe e online, creato sulle domande che arrivano da manager e professionisti impegnati con i processi di remote working, le nuove dinamiche di relazioni con forza lavoro, clienti, fornitori e tutti gli stakeholder, le sfide imposte dalla crisi perpetua e dirompente e le relative tematiche legate a cybersecurity e risk assesment. Speaker internazionali del calibro di Eric Schwartzman (Digital Advisor), Marques Ogden (Business Coach, Inclusion & Diversity), Marianna Vintiadis (cybersecurity), Diana Neto Pereira (Transformational Coach) e in classe Francesca Concina (crisis management e stakeholder engagement) e Prisczilla Varnagy (innovation e digital collaboration), risponderanno live con strumenti, tattiche ed esempi dalla loro esperienza.

Il prossimo 2 e 3 ottobre Inspiring People Relations in partnership con Be-novative, azienda dalla Silicon Valley specializzata in innovazione, e Manageritalia terrà un evento ibrido: due giorni intensi in classe - riservati a 10 partecipanti a Milano, e un workshop online per 500 partecipanti - il 2 ottobre dalle 14.30 alle 16.30.

Tutto l’evento, online e offline, è creato interamente sulle esigenze, domande e aspettative dei partecipanti.

No presentazioni noiose o auto celebrazioni: questo evento è creato per aiutare manager e professionisti a interfacciarsi con le sfide che viviamo giornalmente nel nuovo mondo del lavoro.

Al momento della registrazione i partecipanti mandano via email a le loro domande e gli speaker risponderanno LIVE in un’intervista interattiva durante il workshop, mentre quelli in classe creeranno le sessioni di training e simulazioni immediate sulla base delle richieste pervenute.

Temi: remote working leadership, remote working processes, design thinking, crisis disruptions, crisis communication, teamwork, HR management, negotiation tools, cybersecurity, digital transformation and digital presentation, crisis management.

Stiamo vivendo un cambio di paradigma della cultura del lavoro. I leader devono essere flessibili, ripensare a come adattare le loro strategie per raggiungere i propri obiettivi.

In questo scenario stiamo affrontando sfide come mai prima, e dobbiamo costruire quello che Wiley C. Davi e Duncan H. Spelman chiamano nel loro nuovo libro the Uncertainty Capacity[1]: rallentare, mettere pausa, e fare introspezione per trovare nuove prospettive e soluzioni.

Guidare con purpose, allineando i dipendenti ai valori dell’azienda in un mondo dove il lavoro da remoto è una realtà tanto quanto lockdown inaspettati e crisi, richiede preparazione e aiuto da professionisti del settore che in digital innovation, crisis management, stakeholder engagement, cybersecurity, negotiation da molti anni prima della crisi covid19 e sono pronti a rispondere alle domande che stanno girando nelle vostre teste.

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[1] Leading with Uncommon Sense, 2000, Wiley C. Davi, Duncan H. Spellman, Springer, 2020

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Prisczilla Varnagy

Priszcilla Varnagy - Be-novative

As an Innovation Consultant and CEO of Be-novative, Pris collected methods from Silicon Valley, Europe, Asia and beyond on how the most transformative and successful organizations in the world are continuously creating a more conscious, faster and more effective way to learn and evolve together with their employees in a digital world. Using these culture forming methods, you can discover and reach new market potentials, design new processes for a more remote culture to ensure stabilization, recovery and future growth. These Collective Creativity techniques will help your participants find the most efficient creative solution to any problem while involving everyone in the creative thinking process from planning to implementation. As a participant, you’ll be introduced to Stanford D-school’s Approach to Design Thinking and learn the mindset and methods required to solve real-world problems more effectively. Along the way, you’ll also discover new tools and templates for idea generation, process and product development, and learn how to overcome barriers to creativity in order to renew and get introduced to new markets. And you’ll gain valuable insights from industry leaders through relevant case studies and examples similar to your own organization.

Francesca Concina - Inspiring People Relations

As a Strategic Communication Professional experienced in stakeholder relations, intercultural communication, and crisis management, Francesca founded Inspiring People Relations, an agency specialized in strategic communication with a strong background in innovation and intercultural communication. Having worked both in EMEA and the USA, while collaborating with and leading cross-cultural teams, also remotely, she will share her methods to innovate corporate culture, integrating agile solutions to involve employees and key stakeholders at all levels. The core of the training is the changing attitude towards unexpected issues or crises, and how to turn all the negative events into business opportunities. You will discover the potentials of crisis management preparation as one of the best tools for reputation management. Thanks to relevant case studies and quick reference graphs, you will "learn and put in practice" a response methodology to arising issues, adapting the language to different publics and channels.



20 years’ experience developing and leading professional development training seminars for entry-level, mid-level and c-suite professionals. He led trainings for the US Dept. of State, Singapore Ministry of Information, Yamaha, Bombardier, National Rural Electrical Cooperative and many others.


Following his NFL career Ogden started a construction company which escalated to being a multi-million dollar construction firm. In 2013 it all crashed down around him, he ended up losing everything. Ogden became a SPEAKER to help others succeed where he failed. As a keynote speaker, executive coach, and corporate trainer his passion is to create value for clients. Ogden’s clients consist of AXA Advisors, The Home Depot, JP Morgan and Chase, to name a few.


Highly experienced professional who worked in EMEA on sensitive business intelligence projects for high profile clients. She worked both in the private and public sector, on M&A acquisitions, international finance security investigation and crime investigation and reputational issues. One of the first professionals in Europe to support clients about cybersecurity.


Experienced in B2B Sales and Marketing on an international level. Communication expert with a great passion for working with people. Currently working in Transformational Coaching, while committed to creating a self-development community with The Zurafa.


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Inspiring People Relations Srls 

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